Project Muse, ¿el futuro interface de usuario de SAP?

SAP publica en su portal SDN el Project Muse, una nueva interface de usuario muy atractiva capaz de mostrar: Dynpros, PDF's, HTML, guias, Active X (para integrar aplicaciones Office por ejemplo), WebDynpro, Visual Composer, Flex Screens, vamos todas las tecnologías que soporta SAP integradas en un único entorno.

A couple of weeks ago in Sapphire Orlando, SAP introduced the world to a new user interface, code-named “Project Muse”. I thought I'd give the SDN'ers a quick overview of what it is. Basically, Muse is a new interface thru which SAP users can access any SAP application directly from their Macintosh, Linux or Windows client device, and in the future from integrated mobile devices.

Project Muse is being built from the ground up as an open, standards-based architecture-- using Flash and Flex technologies from Adobe/Macromedia. Project Muse can be easily extended to deliver applications, composites and any other service-enabled software from SAP and its partners or from other solution providers (think: ubiquitous business user interface for all your enterprise systems). The new client adds the richness of desktop software to the deployment efficiency of Internet software, delivering on SAP's vision of simplifying the user experience and the software ownership experience.

Aún no hay una fecha prevista de salida, pero eso si,...según comentan si tienes un ERP2005 y NW04s será "superfácil pluginearlo". Por ahora tenéis una demo en la página de SAP para ver la pinta que tendrá.

When can a customer or partner get their hands on Project Muse? SAP aims to make the new user interface available to customers running mySAP™ Business Suite applications, delivering it with mySAP ERP 2005 in waves through a series of enhancement packages. The first customers and partners will get access to beta versions later in 2006 and it will be made widely available in 2007.
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